2012. február 9., csütörtök

Sasi K'volar, the vulcanoid planetologist-enginer secund officer, XO, head of the sciences deparment

Real name (currently): Sasi

Real name (former): K'volar

Bio: Originally he was born as K'volar on the planet Vulcan circa 600 years ago. At that time, during the 100 year war with the romulans, the vulcanoid race had fallen to a more violent, more paranoid, more millitaristic society. They had more unlimited acces to genetical enginering, and they had more primal sicknesses poisoning the race's genes. One of the genetical sicknesses, the deadly, immun-supressing karashan could be cured only by adding le-matya (a wild, cat-like predator from the Vulkans Forge) genes to the vulcan phisiology. The end result was a more primordial version of the vulcanoid race. They where still vulcans, with all the logical and mental powers of the natural form of the race, but they also had the basic insticts of the animals, with whom they where crossed. They even had the hormonal and empathic abilities of a beast masters, they could controll animals only by mental powers. They even looked similar to the animal relatives.

K'volar was one of the children with the genetical sickness. He was injected by the animal genes in the womb of his mother. As he grew older, he was living for a time in the deserts of Vulcan, studiing the wildlife in its natural form. Then he recieved acces to the Academy, and there he was retrained in the ways of science. He had seen the practical side and also the theoretical side of planetology, of climate enginering, terraforming, satelite networking, genetical mapping. He became the leading expert on creating new habitats, space stations, global meteorology controlling systems.

Then he stated to serve in the Vulcan High Commands millitary strategy group as a technical adviser. He was traveling from world to world to search new information, new proofs, new tasks. He worked trought the time of the 100 year war, and a few years after it.

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