2012. március 3., szombat

2012. február 10., péntek

Losanea Audlez, a junior science officer aboard the USS Horthy Miklós

Real Name: Losanea Audlez

Bio: She is a half-trill, half-kriosian junior science officer aboard the USS Horthy Miklós, even as she is almost 45 years old in Earth Standard Cycles.

Her father was a joined trill diplomat, Kuvari Audlez working inside the Klingon Imperium, her mother, Jorkha sal'Tamera fwQha was a kriosian aristocrat-empath, who had close ties to the Thorn, the underground resistance against the klingons. She was raised in the traditional warrior-ethos of the kriosian people (who where descendants of the original trill diaspora, from a continent, which never had symbiont rule over society, and who had a strange religion), she has only vague recollection of her trill ancestry and customs. As a child, she participated in a coming of age ritual, the so-called "first hunt" in her native planet Krios, where a saint animal, the cawosh (which look like a crossing between a polar bear and a turtle) had scraped her face with his claws. Because of this scar, she has genetical markings of the cawosh in her body, so she has a kind of telepathic rapport with the savage spirit of the cawosh race. She never let plastic surgery remove the sacred marks from her face.

During her childhood the klingons where forced to set the Kriosian Colonies free, the Union was acting as a kind of buffer-state between the two waring super-powers, the Klingon Empire and the Federation, all the two had their agents and secret facilities in the area.

In time she married another aristocrat, DoqHaw Marqli yorEm not from love, but from political customs, as it was common in her society. They raised children together, in the same time she participated in the political and economical ceremonies of the Kriosian Colonies, and paralelly she was working for the Science Academy of the Kriosian Union, making subspace research for the army. She met Surányi László, the Táltos first in the Empire, when he was working as an undercover agent for Starfleet Intelligence. A few years later the klingons invaded Krios again, the nations leaders where forced under submission. Officially Losanea and her family made the same, however their traditional participation in the Thorn-resistance remained intact.

After a failed conspiracy against the state, her family's connection to the resistance became clear to the klingon authorities. Her 16 years old first son was killed during an interrogation, his husband, DoqHaw was sended to the workcamps of Rura Penthe, but later he chosen to be a traitor working for the klingons for political amnesty. While some members of Losanea's family reclaimed their lost family honor, so they remained part of the klingon social structure, and others remained in the empire as hidden agenst and terrorists of the underground resistance, she chosen instead to flee to the Federation, where she remained for a few years with her fathers family on Trillius Prime. In his youth, during an exchange program she allready recieved scientific education according to the ways of the Federation Science Community, and now she participated in the academic life of Trill. But her mental scars from her time in the Klingon Empire remained open. So she chosen to go to the Starfleet Academy in San Francisco to be a science officer, who could work against the Klingon Empire in her new role as inventor of weapons, this time for the armies of the Federation.

Hobbies: She is a deep spiritual science officer. She practices her nations ancient rituals, ceremonies, sporting activities. She is also rides on a kriosian animal called Syum. She used to write poems in her native language, she sings them as part of the creation (as a human bard would sing it in Earth), and these poems have mathematical and astrophisical significance too. She also likes agriculture and cooking, as she was fond of this in her past life as a "matriarch" of the aristocratic household.

Family: She still has his husbands family, and most members of her family in the Empire. 2 of her doughters still live together at his husbands estate, his younger son, MonaS was forced to live in inner exile on the hidden bases in the Kriosian Colonies, her oldest doughter, Yuranne lives as a member of her mathernal household, and works as a priestess in the greatest temple of Krios.

2012. február 9., csütörtök

Csúcsforgalom a DS9 körül

Sasi K'volar, the vulcanoid planetologist-enginer secund officer, XO, head of the sciences deparment

Real name (currently): Sasi

Real name (former): K'volar

Bio: Originally he was born as K'volar on the planet Vulcan circa 600 years ago. At that time, during the 100 year war with the romulans, the vulcanoid race had fallen to a more violent, more paranoid, more millitaristic society. They had more unlimited acces to genetical enginering, and they had more primal sicknesses poisoning the race's genes. One of the genetical sicknesses, the deadly, immun-supressing karashan could be cured only by adding le-matya (a wild, cat-like predator from the Vulkans Forge) genes to the vulcan phisiology. The end result was a more primordial version of the vulcanoid race. They where still vulcans, with all the logical and mental powers of the natural form of the race, but they also had the basic insticts of the animals, with whom they where crossed. They even had the hormonal and empathic abilities of a beast masters, they could controll animals only by mental powers. They even looked similar to the animal relatives.

K'volar was one of the children with the genetical sickness. He was injected by the animal genes in the womb of his mother. As he grew older, he was living for a time in the deserts of Vulcan, studiing the wildlife in its natural form. Then he recieved acces to the Academy, and there he was retrained in the ways of science. He had seen the practical side and also the theoretical side of planetology, of climate enginering, terraforming, satelite networking, genetical mapping. He became the leading expert on creating new habitats, space stations, global meteorology controlling systems.

Then he stated to serve in the Vulcan High Commands millitary strategy group as a technical adviser. He was traveling from world to world to search new information, new proofs, new tasks. He worked trought the time of the 100 year war, and a few years after it.

2012. február 3., péntek

STO (Star Trek Online) Biography: Foysayxee, the rigelian security officer

Foysayxee is one of the strangest young security officers in the fleet. He was born from the rigelian race, the inhabitants of Rigel V. The rigelians are a strange race. Some theories say, that they are also a product of the Sargonian diaspora, just like all the artifical planets in the Rigel system, which is like an India in space: all kind of different races live together on the same planets (this is also the home system of the Orion race), and they created a complex caste-system to avoid intercultural confrontations. The inhabitants of Rigel V have copper-based blood, and high psychic affinity, just like vulkans. Their psychic affinity resurfaces in a complex religion, they have close contact with the spirit world, their mind could transcend the body, and wander in another dimensions. They also have five genders: 1., a gender similar to female, who is the origin of all zigotas 2., a gender similar to male, the origin of spermium 3., a gender cogenitor, a kind of bisexual adventurer, who produces ensimes necessary for procreation 4., an asexual gender which has no sexual organ, only serves as a warrior-servitor for society, 5., a child-bearing race, similar to midwife females, but they only take the allready inseminated zigotas, and take the embryo to term, and then they raise the children. The five genders are not eqally common in society, so there is no rigelian family, which has all the five genders together (opposed to the andorian biology). The 1st gender is the most common, the 5th is the secund most common, and of course, there are plenty warrior-servitors from the 4th. The ruling secund gender is much rarer, but the most rarest is the cogenitor, only every 1000 child borns like that. Because of this, the tradicional family-structure of the rigelians is a complex caste-system, a 2. gender male patriarch rules over plenty of 1st gender females (a kind of harem) and a few midwifes (5th), and they have a few servitors in the family, which have allmost no social weight (4th). The cogenitors (3th) are wanderers, bards, shamans and whichdoctors (and real doctors), who go from family to family, to live for a time in every one of them, then they move to another family. The society have plenty of arcane rituals to create the necessary stability for constant procreation, there are savage conflicts between the families, tribes and genders to make survival. In a society like that, even the children have a special education. The rigelians, who have the most contact with outsiders, are members of the servitor gender (4th), the most Starfleet officers are from this gender. The diplomats, scientist, politicans of the rigelians are all male-patriarchs (2.), but there are plenty of antisocial first-gender females, who search adventure or career in the outside world (they are the woman rigelians in starfleet). The other two gender are almost never seen outside of rigelian society.
Foysayxee was born from a family of an ethnic minority. He was born secund gender male, he was raised to become a new patriarch in their tribe. There is a tradition among rigelians, that the new patriarch must be somebody, who experienced life and recieved wisdom among the greater world, before founding an own family. The young rigelians recieve extensive education in all fields of life, they must be excellent warriors and sportsmen, but they must educate themselves in the sciences, economy, law and rituals of religion. They survive a few rituals of coming to age(just like all genders, but with different ceremonies and knowledge), then they start a life of acting. They act as if they are servitors (4th gender), who are making the average life of servitors, who work outside of family. But deep inside, they have a sacred spiritual connection to the spirits of the dead ancestors, they even have some of the memories of the spirits (thanks to the telepathic genes of the rigelians). So they wander outside of the world, and recieve experiences and connections for their future life.
In Foysayxees ethnic group, the patriarch of this young age are called the blood-judges. They are interested in the customs, rituals, spiritual beliefs and laws of the other nations. They investigate the other societies, they search the spirits of the dead ancestors. When they found one, they make a sacred ritual to commune with the spirit. This communion is a kind of ritualistic theather, in which they reconstruct the life story of the deceased. The blood-judge makes spiritual contact, he takes a mask of the dead, and starts to act his life. The others assist in this by asking questions. This is similar to old greek tragedies. The more interesting the spirits life-story (and how he died), the more interesting the experience and memories recieved by the communion.
This is why the high-intellectual Foysayxee searched a career in the tactikal department of Starfleet.

2012. január 30., hétfő

The biography of an STO (Star Trek Online) first officer.

Nickname: Tarah

Real name: Shinkatarah zh'Itmail

Andorian zhen (the child-bearing sex from the 4 andorian gender).

She was born on the andorian home-planet (2383 Old Earth Calendar), in a city-tree in the jungles of the reserve-continent Voral, from the skywarrior clan Itmail. The clans living in the deadly Reserve live just like the ancestors of the andorians, they don't have any knowledge of modern technology, they use Nature as their closest ally, they are the aboriginos of andorian society. The Itmail live in a millena old tree, where they used to tame flying dragons who take their nests in the Cloudy-mountains, which levitate above the jungles and rivers of their home. Tarah was a proud warrior-hunter, a dilligent student of the lore of surviving in the traditional way. As custom says, she was bonded to a sheltreth (a family made from 4 sex), and as a teenager, she was dreaming about living a peaceful life among the healthy members of her 4-gendered family. She was flying above the clouds on the back of the dragons, she was hunting as all her clan-members, she recieved education of the spiritual techings of her people, she even got the tribal tatoo symbolizing the third eye of the shamans.

But there was an accident. A nature-preserving nanoid used to clear the rivers of the Reserve malefunctioned, and Tarah's sheltreth died in the artifical epidemic. She survived only because the antropologists monitoring the Reserve clans in their hidden bases had registered the problem in the last minute, and transported her to a high-tech hospital orbiting Andor, where she was saved. During her stay in the hospital, she recieved brief education about the world outside the Reserve, and because of the family-tragedy, she chosen to remain in the star-faring outside civilization, to get proper education in the universities of his world, to make a carrier as a pilot outside the planet. What people didn't recognised, that she became interested in the ways of Kama-terah, the "Fighters Against the Long Winter" (the Andorian ice-age), the famous eco-terrorist group, who had deep roots in the history of Andoria. During her trips around the Andorian sun-system she made acces to all kind of illegal goods, which she smuggled back to the homeworld, planing with his co-crusaders a big global terrorist act against the andorian government. But Starfleet Intelligence intervened, she was taken in custody, the plan was deserted. During the interrogations she was confronted with one of the agents, who helped to catch her: it was Surányi László S'otvek, the "Táltos", who used his criminal alternate identity Kovakh to get proof of the illegal activities of the Kama-terah. Tarah hated the covert operator because of his traitorious act, but she had no choice in the matter.

But Surányi, then allready a professor at Starfleet Academy, had checked the background of the young wayward eco-activist, and arranged a deal: if Tarah moves to Starfleet Academy to recieve proper education, her involvement in the Kama-Terah plan will remain secret, and she will work as a covert operator for Starfleet Intelligence in the future, as a kind of redemtion for her former misfortune with the high-technical civilizations. Her criminal past remained a close-guarded secret. The only one, who had monitored her every move was Surányi himself, who remained a kind of patron for the wild cadet. Tarah rebelled first, but after plenty of tests and adventure, she recognised, that this is what she was dreaming about. When a few years later Surányi recieved an own ship, the USS Horthy Miklós, he remembered her special pupil, the best pilot of her class, and asked her to be his first officer. This is how a legend was born.

Hobbies: Martial arts, flying with dragons, hunting, botanics, crafting, singing (folk-epic).

Family: Her clan, the Itmail still exists in the Reserve (just a few people had died). However, she had not went back since the hospital-days. At the moment she has another sheltreth commissioned to her by the Andorian Government (the Andorians are a dying race, after all, they need all the genetic strenght they could catch). 3 years ago she had given life to 2 child (identical twins, 2 zhens), but they are raised by the other sheltreth members.

The ship: USS Horthy Miklós