2012. január 30., hétfő

The biography of an STO (Star Trek Online) first officer.

Nickname: Tarah

Real name: Shinkatarah zh'Itmail

Andorian zhen (the child-bearing sex from the 4 andorian gender).

She was born on the andorian home-planet (2383 Old Earth Calendar), in a city-tree in the jungles of the reserve-continent Voral, from the skywarrior clan Itmail. The clans living in the deadly Reserve live just like the ancestors of the andorians, they don't have any knowledge of modern technology, they use Nature as their closest ally, they are the aboriginos of andorian society. The Itmail live in a millena old tree, where they used to tame flying dragons who take their nests in the Cloudy-mountains, which levitate above the jungles and rivers of their home. Tarah was a proud warrior-hunter, a dilligent student of the lore of surviving in the traditional way. As custom says, she was bonded to a sheltreth (a family made from 4 sex), and as a teenager, she was dreaming about living a peaceful life among the healthy members of her 4-gendered family. She was flying above the clouds on the back of the dragons, she was hunting as all her clan-members, she recieved education of the spiritual techings of her people, she even got the tribal tatoo symbolizing the third eye of the shamans.

But there was an accident. A nature-preserving nanoid used to clear the rivers of the Reserve malefunctioned, and Tarah's sheltreth died in the artifical epidemic. She survived only because the antropologists monitoring the Reserve clans in their hidden bases had registered the problem in the last minute, and transported her to a high-tech hospital orbiting Andor, where she was saved. During her stay in the hospital, she recieved brief education about the world outside the Reserve, and because of the family-tragedy, she chosen to remain in the star-faring outside civilization, to get proper education in the universities of his world, to make a carrier as a pilot outside the planet. What people didn't recognised, that she became interested in the ways of Kama-terah, the "Fighters Against the Long Winter" (the Andorian ice-age), the famous eco-terrorist group, who had deep roots in the history of Andoria. During her trips around the Andorian sun-system she made acces to all kind of illegal goods, which she smuggled back to the homeworld, planing with his co-crusaders a big global terrorist act against the andorian government. But Starfleet Intelligence intervened, she was taken in custody, the plan was deserted. During the interrogations she was confronted with one of the agents, who helped to catch her: it was Surányi László S'otvek, the "Táltos", who used his criminal alternate identity Kovakh to get proof of the illegal activities of the Kama-terah. Tarah hated the covert operator because of his traitorious act, but she had no choice in the matter.

But Surányi, then allready a professor at Starfleet Academy, had checked the background of the young wayward eco-activist, and arranged a deal: if Tarah moves to Starfleet Academy to recieve proper education, her involvement in the Kama-Terah plan will remain secret, and she will work as a covert operator for Starfleet Intelligence in the future, as a kind of redemtion for her former misfortune with the high-technical civilizations. Her criminal past remained a close-guarded secret. The only one, who had monitored her every move was Surányi himself, who remained a kind of patron for the wild cadet. Tarah rebelled first, but after plenty of tests and adventure, she recognised, that this is what she was dreaming about. When a few years later Surányi recieved an own ship, the USS Horthy Miklós, he remembered her special pupil, the best pilot of her class, and asked her to be his first officer. This is how a legend was born.

Hobbies: Martial arts, flying with dragons, hunting, botanics, crafting, singing (folk-epic).

Family: Her clan, the Itmail still exists in the Reserve (just a few people had died). However, she had not went back since the hospital-days. At the moment she has another sheltreth commissioned to her by the Andorian Government (the Andorians are a dying race, after all, they need all the genetic strenght they could catch). 3 years ago she had given life to 2 child (identical twins, 2 zhens), but they are raised by the other sheltreth members.

The ship: USS Horthy Miklós

2012. január 26., csütörtök

A Hungarian STO (Star Trek Online) captain

Name: Surányi László S'otvek
His vulkanite name, S'otvek means Dream-Hunter. His family name is Surányi, his personal name is László, after the famous knight-king and catholic saint of Medieval Hungary.
He is nicknamed "Táltos" after the mythological shamanic figures of the ancient Hungarians.
He was born in 06. 20. 2342, Earth Old Calendar.
He is half-vulkanite, his father was a Hungarian human, Surányi Bulcsú who worked as an astrophisichist and warp-theorist on the USS Stargazer under the legendary captain Jean-Luc Picard. He died at the battle of Maxia Zeta as a hero
His mother was a vulkanite plateologist-botanist named Saakira, who was a descendant of the legendary first human-vulkan lovers Charles Trip Tucker and T'Pol. Because of this prestigious heritage, he recieved special psychic abilities as a genetic gift. He also has an almost snow-like blondnes and blue eyes, a rare gift among vulkans. His mother died at the Battle of Wolf 359, but she was working as a Starfleet scientist even before. Because of this, he was mostly raised as a tradicionist Hungarian human in Budapest, Hungary, a member-state of the United Earth Alliance, by his fathers family. But he also recieved extensive training in logic and mental disciplines at Vulkan, by her maternal family, who lived near the Voroth-Sea. But he chosen to be a V'tosh ka'tur, a vulkanite withouth the total control of logic.
In his youth he was greatly influenced by the stories of Stein Aurél and Vámbéry Ármin, and all the other great travelers of Hungarian history, from Brother Julianus to Farkas Bertalan. He wanted to be an eternal wanderer, like them.
He was a child prodigy, he chosen to learn biology, chemistry, comparative xeno-ecology and medicine, as his mother, later he specialised mainly on genetics and cosmozoan ecology, which was a study field close to his fathers research. He recieved an education in Starfleet Boyscout Camps as a teenager, but he didn't went to the Starfleet Academy, instead he spent a year as an exchange student at the Klingon Military Academy (Department of Sciences, he became a tharavul kuve member - kind of living computer-slave - of the House of Quj), and he spent some time in the universities on the planets Andor, Tellar and Rigel. But his Alma Maters where on the university planet Makropyrios (BA) and on New Samarkand, Alpha Centaury (MA). He started his adult life in the age of 20 as an archeologist-antropologist-xenobiologist specialized in genetical mapping, he traveled around the known and unknown universe, and researched the common genetical origin of all the species of the Milky Way, he searched the legendary Progenitors. Later he started to work with Doctors Without Frontiers in Space, just to recieve more experience with living ecologies. His Medical Aid ship was a 400 years old Catullan Explorer, with an onboard AI, his partners in job where even more exotic. He usually worked outside of the borders of the Federation, as a private traveler and mapped areas and civilizations, where no man has gone before. He was sponzored in his travels from time to time by Starfleet Intelligence, but he made close contacts with the jest-masters of the First Federation, he traveled with a prankster ship for a year. After his mother died in the battle against the Borg, and he recieved word of it, he moved back for a time to the known parts of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, he chosen to recieve education at Starfleet Academy. In this years he also worked as an undercover operator for SI in the Maquis movement. Then the wars started, first with the Klingons, later against the Dominion. He worked in special task forces in all the front lines of the war, he was serving for a longer time on board the USS Freydís Eiríksdóttir under the surviving Asmund-twin, Captain Idun Asmund, an old family friend from the Stargazer. After the war, he was sended to the former Cardassian Union, the help in the relief missions of the destroyed colonies, he also found evidence of genetical tampering with the races of the former Delphic Expanse. After the Genesis-wave crisis he made research in the history of the Taurus-Reach, he helped in the short war against the Tholians. Then he worked closely together with the legendary Starfleet Corps of Enginering teams working under captain Scott, he also made some research near DS12 (Ba'ku) in the Briar Patch after the Tzenkethi and the Hidden Rulers of the Briar Patch started to show interest in the area. Then he made an application, if he could work on board a Luna-class explorer-ship, but instead he was chosen by the Project: Full Circle as a Doctor of Medicine in the fleet, which went to the Delta Quadrant to search the Caeliar. After he returned, he was working in Ambassador Spock's Unification Movement in the Romulan Empire, and in other secret surveillance and investigative missions in the Typhon-Pact states. After the Hobus disaster, he helped in the relief efforts. Later he moved to the Gum-nebula, to live for a year together with the Starjellyfish-rider hunters, the Pa’haquel. After this he finally went on board a ship to the Gamma Quadrant, to help map the unknown empires, like the Ascendants, the Eav'oq or the New Dominion. Later he moved to a traveling Dyson Sphere, which moved between the spiral arms of the Galaxy. Here he written his two legendary work about cosmozoan life forms: The Encyclopedie of the Cosmozoans and the Starfleet's Guide to the Ecosystems Flourishing in Outer Space. He moved back to the Federation to start family life (he has more wifes and children from the early years of his travels, but this is the first time, when he started to participate in the raising of children) and lectured cadets as a professor of xenobiology at the Starfeet Academy Campus in San Francisco, when he heard, that the wars start again. He made short travels to the planet Babel, Vega, and to the Rigel Colonies, rumors stated, it was again some job for Starfleet Intelligence. He was on board on a Shi'Khar class starship as a guest traveling to a Pan-Galactic Peace Conference, to give scientific advise to the diplomats and admirals, when the Borg-disaster stuck. This is how he started his Starfeet career as a scientist-captain with close ties to diplomacy and espionage.

Hobbies: reading, criptography, Hungarian folkdances, playing on shamanic drums, Baranta-Böllön (traditional Hungarian martial art: horse-riding, archery, sword-dance, stick-fight, etc. www.baranta.gportal.hu/), smoking rigelian water-pipe, drinking klingon bloodwine, sailing on sea or in space

Ship: USS Horthy Miklós, named after a Hungarian rear admiral, who reconstructed the country as military govenor, after it collapsed in the 1. World War

Family: he has an extended family on both sides: cousines, grandparents, uncles, brothers, etc. He had many former relationships, he had more wifes and children before. His current wife (actually: 3 wifes, who look like identical twins) is a renegate Undine infilator, who recieved 3 quantum-time clones in our universe, so she could not go back to Fluidic Space in neither body. Of course, this information is top secret. They have together 3 children: 2 daughters (they are quantum-time twins, their mother was pregnant, when she went back to Fluidic Space, just to meet there her alternate identities) and one son, they are the first hybrids between the universes.

Alternate identity: He has a famous alternate identity in the Orion-Syndicate (thanks to Starfleet Intelligence), Kovakh, the vulkanoid rigelian smuggler and relics dealer. He uses an old Rigelian Mapping Explorer reconstructed by SCE as a special undercover base, he takes this ship on board the USS Horthy Miklós. The ship is named fukh'Ramala'ghar, she was a famous corsair-explorer and polymath philosopher on Rigel 4.